Smart Bluetooth Car with Obstacle Detection


    The Smart Bluetooth Car is an innovative project that combines the functionalities of Bluetooth communication and sensor-based automation to create a highly responsive and interactive vehicle system. Designed using two Arduino Nano boards, an HC-05 Bluetooth module, four DC motors, and an ultrasonic sensor, this project aims to showcase the potential of embedded systems and robotics in developing autonomous and remotely controlled systems.

    The core feature of this smart car is its ability to detect obstacles and take predefined actions without user intervention. When the ultrasonic sensor detects an object, the first Arduino generates a digital signal and transmits it via a serial communication link (TX/RX) to the second Arduino. The second Arduino, upon receiving the signal, activates an interrupt pin to stop the car immediately. The car then reverses slightly to avoid the obstacle and waits for further instructions via Bluetooth commands sent from a smartphone or other compatible devices.

    This project demonstrates efficient data communication between micro controllers, seamless integration of sensors, and motor control, making it an excellent platform for learning and experimenting with embedded systems and robotics. With its modular design, it can be extended to include additional features like advanced navigation, obstacle mapping, or voice-controlled commands, paving the way for more sophisticated robotic applications.





Objective of the Project

    The objective of this project is to design and implement a Smart Bluetooth-Controlled Car that integrates wireless communication and autonomous obstacle detection, with the following specific goals:

  1. Wireless Control:
    Facilitate seamless control of the car using a smartphone through Bluetooth communication, ensuring user-friendly operation.

  2. Obstacle Avoidance:
    Incorporate an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles in the car's path, enabling the car to stop, reverse, and wait for further instructions from the user.

  3. Efficient Motor Control:
    Utilize the L298N motor driver to manage the movement of DC gear motors, ensuring precise speed and direction control.

  4. Two-Microcontroller Communication:
    Achieve effective communication between two Arduino Nano microcontrollers for modular operation, enhancing reliability and scalability.

  5. Cost-Effective and Scalable Design:
    Develop a system that is affordable, energy-efficient, and capable of accommodating additional features or components for future improvements.

  6. Real-World Applications:
    Provide a foundation for applications in robotics, education, industrial automation, and prototyping.

Project Overview

Background and Motivation

    With the rise of robotics and automation, wireless-controlled robotic systems are gaining significant attention due to their versatility and ease of use. The integration of Bluetooth communication and sensor technologies offers a cost-effective and efficient way to control robots remotely. This project addresses the need for a smart robotic car that combines wireless control with autonomous features, such as obstacle detection, to enhance usability and functionality.


The primary objective of this project is to design and implement a smart Bluetooth-controlled car that can:

  1. Respond to user commands sent via a smartphone using a Bluetooth module.

  2. Detect obstacles in its path using an ultrasonic sensor.

  3. Stop, reverse, and wait for further instructions upon encountering obstacles.

System Architecture

The project uses two Arduino Nano microcontrollers for modular functionality:

  • Arduino Nano 1: Handles obstacle detection using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and communicates the detection status to the second Arduino via TX/RX pins.

  • Arduino Nano 2: Manages motor control via the L298N motor driver, processes Bluetooth commands from the HC-05 module, and responds to signals from Arduino Nano 1.

Other key components include four DC gear motors for movement and a power source for the system.


  1. Bluetooth Communication: An HC-05 module receives user commands wirelessly and transmits them to Arduino Nano 2.

  2. Obstacle Detection: The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor measures the distance to nearby objects, and Arduino Nano 1 sends a stop signal to Arduino Nano 2 if an obstacle is detected.

  3. Motor Control: The L298N motor driver receives commands from Arduino Nano 2 to control the direction and speed of the DC motors.

  4. System Integration: The two Arduino Nano boards communicate seamlessly to execute user commands and obstacle avoidance routines.


This project has a wide range of applications, including:

  • Robotics and automation education.

  • Development of autonomous vehicles and delivery systems.

  • Industrial material handling and warehouse automation.

Scope for Future Enhancements

The system can be enhanced by adding features such as:

  • GPS for location tracking.

  • Wi-Fi or GSM modules for extended remote control.

  • Integration with cameras for video surveillance.

  • Solar power for sustainable energy usage.

Project Description

Arduino Nano 1 (Obstacle Detection and Car Control)

  • This Arduino Nano is responsible for controlling the car’s movement and detecting obstacles.

  • The ultrasonic sensor is connected to this board to measure the distance from objects in front of the car. When an object is detected within a certain threshold (e.g., 30 cm), the board sends a signal to stop the car, reverse slightly, and wait for further instructions.

Arduino Nano 2 (Bluetooth Communication)

  • This Arduino Nano controls the car's movement based on Bluetooth commands received via the HC-05 Bluetooth module.

  • The commands include forward, backward, left, right, and stop. When no Bluetooth commands are received, it waits for the next input after the obstacle avoidance routine has been executed.


The first Arduino triggers an interrupt in the second Arduino to stop the car and reverse slightly.

Components Used

Arduino Nano (x2): Microcontroller boards used to control the car’s operations and handle communication.



HC-05 Bluetooth Module: Enables wireless communication between the car and a smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled device.

 Motor Driver Module(L298N Motor Driver): Interfaces the DC motors with the Arduino boards for speed and direction control. 


DC Motors (x4): Power the car’s wheels for movement.

Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04): Detects obstacles in the car’s path and provides distance measurements.


Power Supply: Provides necessary voltage and current to power the components

Chassis: Physical structure that houses all components and supports the car’s movement.

Wires and Connectors: Facilitate electrical connections between component


    Each component plays a crucial role in ensuring the car operates smoothly and responds effectively to commands and environmental stimuli. Proper selection and configuration of these components are essential for the system’s success


Arduino Nano


    The Arduino Nano is a compact and versatile microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It is designed for projects where space is limited, offering similar functionality to the Arduino Uno but in a smaller form factor. It is widely used in embedded systems, robotics, and other small-scale electronics projects.

Key Specifications:

  • Microcontroller: ATmega328P

  • Operating Voltage: 5V

  • Input Voltage: 6V to 12V (recommended range: 7V to 12V)

  • Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 are PWM-capable)

  • Analog Input Pins: 8 (A0 to A7)

  • DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA

  • Flash Memory: 32KB (2KB used by bootloader)

  • SRAM: 2KB


  • Clock Speed: 16 MHz

  • USB Interface: Mini USB

  • Onboard LED: Pin 13 (used for debugging)

  • Bootloader: Pre-installed for easy programming without external hardware

Pinout Overview:

  • Digital Pins (D0-D13):

    • 14 digital I/O pins (6 of which can output PWM signals).

    • Pin 13 has an onboard LED.

  • Analog Pins (A0-A7):

    • 8 analog input pins that can also be used as digital I/O pins.

  • Power Pins:

    • 5V: Provides regulated 5V power to the board.

    • 3.3V: Provides a 3.3V output.

    • GND: Ground pin for circuit common.

    • RAW: Input voltage (6V-12V) for unregulated power supply.

  • Other Pins:

    • TX/RX: For serial communication (TX = Transmit, RX = Receive).

    • RESET: Used to reset the Arduino.


  • Compact Form Factor: Small and breadboard-friendly, making it ideal for projects with limited space.

  • Low Power Consumption: Suitable for battery-powered projects.

  • Bootloader: Comes pre-loaded with a bootloader for direct programming via USB.

  • Breadboard Compatibility: Pin layout designed for easy connection to a breadboard.

  • Serial Communication: Supports serial communication with external devices, sensors, and other boards.

Technical Details:

  • Microcontroller: ATmega328P

  • Clock Speed: 16 MHz

  • RAM: 2 KB

  • EEPROM: 1 KB

  • Flash Memory: 32 KB

  • Operating Voltage: 5V

  • I/O Pins: 14 digital, 8 analog

  • PWM Pins: 6 (D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11)

  • Dimensions: 45mm x 18mm


  • Upload Method:

    • The Arduino Nano is programmed via USB using the Arduino IDE.

    • The bootloader installed on the ATmega328P allows direct uploading of sketches without the need for an external programmer.

  • Serial Monitor: Used for debugging and communicating with the Arduino via the USB port.

  • Programming Language: The Arduino programming language (based on C/C++) is used to write code.

Usage and Applications:

  • Embedded Systems: Due to its small size and versatility, the Arduino Nano is often used in embedded systems and robotics.

  • Prototyping: Its breadboard compatibility makes it a popular choice for prototyping electronic circuits.

  • Wearable Devices: The Nano’s compact size allows its integration into wearable electronics.

  • Home Automation: Widely used in DIY home automation projects.

  • IoT Projects: The Arduino Nano is often used for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as controlling devices remotely.

Powering the Arduino Nano:

  • USB: The board can be powered directly via the mini-USB port from a computer or USB adapter.

  • External Power Supply: The RAW pin can be used to provide an external power supply (6V to 12V) through an adapter or battery.

  • Voltage Regulator: The onboard regulator ensures that the board receives a stable 5V supply when powered through the RAW pin.

Comparison with Arduino Uno:


Arduino Nano

Arduino Uno


45mm x 18mm

68.6mm x 53.4mm

Form Factor


Standard ATmega328-based

USB Port

Mini USB

Standard USB B

Digital Pins



Analog Pins



PWM Pins



Power Supply

6-12V (through RAW pin)

7-12V (through barrel jack)


Generally cheaper

Slightly more expensive


    The Arduino Nano is a compact, versatile, and cost-effective microcontroller ideal for various electronic and embedded projects. Its small size and broad functionality make it suitable for prototyping, wearable electronics, robotics, and IoT applications. With its breadboard compatibility, low power consumption, and easy programming via USB, the Nano is an excellent choice for engineers, hobbyists, and makers.


 HC-05 Bluetooth Module


    The HC-05 is a widely used Bluetooth module designed for wireless communication between electronic devices. It is an easy-to-use, low-cost, and versatile Bluetooth module that can be used to establish a connection between devices like microcontrollers (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), mobile phones, computers, and other Bluetooth-enabled devices. The module supports both Master and Slave modes, allowing for flexible communication in a variety of applications such as remote control, wireless data transfer, and IoT systems.


Key Specifications:

  • Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)

  • Frequency Range: 2.4 GHz ISM Band

  • Transmission Range: Typically up to 10 meters (can vary based on environment)

  • Data Rate: Up to 3 Mbps

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5V (typically powered via 3.3V or 5V)

  • Current Consumption:

    • Idle: 30 mA

    • Data Transfer: 30-40 mA

    • Peak: 60 mA

  • Interface: UART (Serial communication, TX/RX pins)

  • Master/Slave Mode: Supports both master and slave modes

  • Security: Supports 128-bit encryption (for secured communication)

  • Communication Protocol: Serial (RS232, TTL)

Pinout and Functionality:

The HC-05 module typically comes in a 6-pin or 4-pin configuration. The following is the pinout for a standard 6-pin HC-05 module:

  1. VCC: Power supply pin (3.3V or 5V depending on the module version).

  2. GND: Ground pin.

  3. TXD: Transmit pin (used to send data from the HC-05 to the microcontroller or another device).

  4. RXD: Receive pin (used to receive data from the microcontroller or another device).

  5. State: Used to check the current connection state (high when connected).

  6. KEY: (Optional) Used to switch between master and slave mode by setting it high during startup (not always required for regular operation).

Operating Modes:

The HC-05 can operate in two modes:

  • Master Mode: In this mode, the HC-05 can initiate the connection and communicate with other Bluetooth devices (acting as the "controller").

  • Slave Mode: In this mode, the HC-05 responds to incoming connections from other Bluetooth devices (acting as the "device").

By default, the HC-05 is configured in slave mode, but it can be switched to master mode by entering a special AT command mode for configuration.

AT Commands:

The HC-05 module can be configured and controlled using AT commands. This is typically done when the module is placed in AT command mode.

  • Entering AT Command Mode:

    1. Connect the KEY pin to VCC (high voltage) during power-up.

    2. Once powered on, the module will be in AT command mode, and you can communicate with it using a serial interface (like an Arduino).

  • Common AT Commands:

    1. AT – Test communication (should return "OK").

    2. AT+NAME=NewName – Change the Bluetooth module’s name.

    3. AT+PIN=1234 – Set the Bluetooth pairing PIN.

    4. AT+ROLE=1 – Set the module to Master mode (0 for Slave mode).

    5. AT+BAUD=9600 – Set the baud rate for communication (default is usually 9600).

    6. AT+VERSION? – Get the firmware version of the module.

Powering the HC-05:

    The HC-05 Bluetooth module typically operates with a 3.3V or 5V power supply. Some versions of the module have an onboard voltage regulator, making it compatible with both 3.3V and 5V systems. However, it’s essential to verify the voltage level required for your specific module.

  • VCC Pin: Connect to 5V (or 3.3V for some modules).

  • GND Pin: Connect to the ground of the microcontroller or system.

Communication with Microcontroller (Arduino Example):

To use the HC-05 module with an Arduino, follow this example:

Connections :

    • TXD (HC-05) to RX (Arduino)

    • RXD (HC-05) to TX (Arduino)

    • VCC to 5V (on Arduino)

    • GND to GND (on Arduino)


Arduino Code Example :

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Create a software serial object

SoftwareSerial BTserial(10, 11); // RX | TX (connect Arduino TX to HC-05 RX, and vice versa)

void setup() {

// Start serial communication at 9600 baud for Arduino and HC-05



Serial.println("Bluetooth Module Initialized");


void loop() {

// If data is available from Bluetooth, send it to the Serial Monitor

if (BTserial.available()) {

char data =;



// If data is available from the Serial Monitor, send it to the Bluetooth module

if (Serial.available()) {

char data =;






The HC-05 Bluetooth module is used in a variety of applications, including but not limited to:

  • Wireless Control: Remotely control devices such as robots, home automation systems, or remote-controlled cars.

  • Data Transfer: Exchange data wirelessly between microcontrollers or between a microcontroller and a smartphone.

  • Sensor Monitoring: Send sensor data to a mobile device or computer via Bluetooth for real-time monitoring.

  • IoT Systems: Integrate Bluetooth communication for IoT applications, allowing wireless communication between devices.


  • Low Power Consumption: Ideal for battery-powered applications.

  • Ease of Use: Simple to interface with microcontrollers (like Arduino) using UART (serial communication).

  • Flexible Communication: Can function in both master and slave modes, making it versatile.

  • Cost-Effective: Provides an inexpensive solution for wireless communication in embedded projects.

  • Wide Compatibility: Works with most Bluetooth-enabled devices like smartphones, laptops, and other Bluetooth modules.


  • Limited Range: The typical operating range is up to 10 meters, which may be insufficient for long-distance communication.

  • Speed: While sufficient for most applications, the data transfer rate (up to 3 Mbps) might not be ideal for high-speed data transfers.

  • Security: While it supports 128-bit encryption, more advanced security features may be needed for highly sensitive data transmissions.


    The HC-05 Bluetooth module is a versatile and cost-effective solution for wireless communication in a wide range of embedded systems and DIY projects. It’s easy to integrate with microcontrollers like Arduino, making it an ideal choice for creating Bluetooth-enabled systems for home automation, remote control, and wireless data transfer.


HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor


    The HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic distance measuring sensor used for detecting the distance to an object by emitting ultrasonic waves and measuring the time taken for the waves to return. It is widely used in robotics, object detection, and range-finding applications. The sensor works by sending out a pulse and timing how long it takes for the pulse to bounce back after hitting an object, allowing for precise distance measurement.

Key Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: 5V DC (Typical)

  • Current Consumption: 15 mA (during operation)

  • Measuring Range: 2 cm to 400 cm

  • Accuracy: ±3 mm (typical)

  • Operating Frequency: 40 kHz

  • Beam Angle: 15°

  • Trigger Input Pulse Width: 10 µs

  • Echo Pulse Width: Corresponds to the distance being measured

  • Response Time: 200 ms per measurement cycle

  • Interface: TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) Serial Communication (using Trigger and Echo pins)

  • Operating Temperature: -20°C to 70°C

Pinout and Functionality:

The HC-SR04 sensor has 4 pins:

  1. VCC: Power supply (typically 5V).

  2. GND: Ground pin.

  3. TRIG: Trigger pin, which is used to initiate the measurement by sending a 10 µs pulse.

  4. ECHO: Echo pin, which outputs a pulse whose width is proportional to the distance measured.

Working Principle:

The HC-SR04 works by sending out an ultrasonic pulse (high-frequency sound wave) and then listening for the pulse to reflect back from an object.

  • Triggering the Sensor: The TRIG pin is triggered by sending a 10 µs pulse. When the trigger pulse is sent, the sensor emits an ultrasonic pulse.

  • Echo Reception: The ECHO pin receives the reflected pulse, and the duration of this pulse is proportional to the distance between the sensor and the object. The longer the time it takes for the pulse to return, the farther the object is.

  • Distance Calculation:

     of Sound

    Distance=2Time×Speed of Sound​


    • Time is the duration of the echo pulse.

    • The speed of sound is typically 343 m/s at room temperature (20°C).

The division by 2 accounts for the fact that the sound pulse travels to the object and then returns.

Powering the HC-SR04:

  • VCC: Connect to a 5V power supply (can be from an Arduino 5V pin).

  • GND: Connect to the ground of the power supply or microcontroller.

  • TRIG and ECHO: These pins are used for communication with the microcontroller and should be connected to appropriate I/O pins on the microcontroller.


The HC-SR04 is commonly used in various applications, such as:

  • Robotics: For obstacle detection and collision avoidance in robots.

  • Distance Measurement: To measure the distance between objects for sensing or range finding.

  • Automation Systems: In smart parking systems, distance sensing for automatic doors, or robotic arms.

  • Security Systems: For detecting the presence or movement of objects or people.

  • Level Sensing: In liquid level sensors and range measurements for different objects.

Example Circuit Diagram:

To connect the HC-SR04 to an Arduino, follow the diagram below:


  • VCC of HC-SR04 to 5V pin on Arduino.

  • GND of HC-SR04 to GND pin on Arduino.

  • TRIG pin of HC-SR04 to a digital pin on Arduino (e.g., D9).

  • ECHO pin of HC-SR04 to another digital pin on Arduino (e.g., D10).

Code Example (Arduino):

Here’s an example of how to use the HC-SR04 with Arduino to measure distance:

// Define pin connections

const int trigPin = 9;

const int echoPin = 10;

long duration; int distance;

void setup() {

// Start serial communication for monitoring


// Set the trigPin as an OUTPUT and echoPin as an INPUT

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);


void loop() {

// Send a 10 microsecond pulse to the TRIG pin to start measurement

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2);

digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10);

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Measure the pulse duration from the ECHO pin

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculate the distance in cm (speed of sound = 343 m/s or 0.0343 cm/us)

distance = duration * 0.0343 / 2;

// Print the distance to the serial monitor

Serial.print("Distance: ");


Serial.println(" cm");

// Wait for a moment before the next measurement




  • Low Cost: The HC-SR04 is a very affordable ultrasonic sensor.

  • Easy to Use: The module is simple to interface with microcontrollers, such as Arduino, using the trigger and echo pins.

  • Versatility: Can be used in a wide range of distance measurement applications with high precision.

  • Compact Size: Its small size makes it suitable for embedded systems and compact devices.


  • Limited Range: The maximum measurable distance is 400 cm, which may not be suitable for long-range applications.

  • Beam Angle: The sensor has a beam angle of 15°, meaning it may not detect objects outside this range.

  • Power Sensitivity: Accuracy can be affected by the power supply voltage and environmental conditions.

  • Environmental Factors: Performance may be impacted by temperature, humidity, and air quality, which can affect the speed of sound.


The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor is an excellent choice for distance measuring and obstacle detection in a variety of applications, including robotics, IoT, and automation systems. Its low cost, ease of use, and precision make it a popular sensor in many embedded systems projects.

L298N Motor Driver Module

1. Introduction

The L298N Motor Driver Module is a high-power dual H-Bridge motor driver capable of controlling two DC motors or a single stepper motor. It is widely used in robotics and embedded systems for driving motors in forward and reverse directions, controlling speed, and implementing precise movement.

The module is based on the L298N IC, which allows for bidirectional control of motors while providing thermal shutdown and overcurrent protection.

2. Key Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: 5V to 46V (motor supply)

  • Logic Voltage: 5V (for input signals)

  • Maximum Motor Current: 2A per channel (continuous), 4A peak (with heat sink)

  • Power Dissipation: 25W (with adequate cooling)

  • Motor Control:

    • Bidirectional for two DC motors

    • Stepper motor control

  • Logic Inputs: TTL compatible

  • Current Sense Pins: For monitoring motor current

  • PWM Frequency: Up to 20 kHz (for speed control)

  • Heat Sink: Included for improved thermal performance

3. Pinout and Functionality

The L298N module typically has the following pins and terminals:

Input Pins (Control Logic)

  1. IN1: Input 1 for Motor A (controls direction)

  2. IN2: Input 2 for Motor A (controls direction)

  3. IN3: Input 1 for Motor B (controls direction)

  4. IN4: Input 2 for Motor B (controls direction)

  5. ENA: Enable pin for Motor A (PWM input for speed control)

  6. ENB: Enable pin for Motor B (PWM input for speed control)

Power Pins

  1. 12V: Power supply for motors (5V-35V).

  2. GND: Ground.

  3. 5V: Logic voltage supply (if not connected, the onboard voltage regulator provides 5V).

Output Terminals (Motor Connections)

  1. OUT1 and OUT2: Motor A connections.

  2. OUT3 and OUT4: Motor B connections.

4. Working Principle

The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver, allowing independent control of two motors. An H-Bridge is an electrical circuit that enables a voltage to be applied across a motor in either direction.

  • Direction Control: Controlled by the IN1-IN4 pins. The state (HIGH/LOW) determines the motor's direction.

  • Speed Control: Controlled by ENA and ENB pins using PWM signals.

  • Current Monitoring: Current sense pins allow monitoring of motor current, but they are often unused in typical applications.

5. Powering the Module

  • Motor Power (12V): Connect the motor power supply (5V-35V).

  • Logic Power (5V): If the motor power supply is higher than 7V, the onboard voltage regulator provides 5V for the logic circuit. If the motor supply is 5V, connect an external 5V to the 5V pin for logic power.

  • GND: Connect to the ground of the power source and microcontroller.

6. Truth Table




Motor Behavior
















Motor Off

7. Applications

  • Robotics: Drive robot wheels and control speed and direction.

  • Conveyor Belts: Control speed and direction of belt motors.

  • Automated Systems: Used in home automation and industrial control.

  • Stepper Motor Control: Precisely control stepper motors in CNC and 3D printers.

  • RC Vehicles: Control drive motors in remote-controlled cars or drones.

8. Example Circuit Diagram

Here’s how to connect the L298N to an Arduino to control two DC motors:


  • Motor A: OUT1 and OUT2.

  • Motor B: OUT3 and OUT4.

  • Power:

    • Connect 12V to the motor power input.

    • Connect GND to the Arduino ground.

    • If using an external 5V for logic, connect it to the 5V pin.

  • Control Pins:

    • IN1 to Arduino D2.

    • IN2 to Arduino D3.

    • ENA to Arduino D9 (PWM pin).

    • IN3 to Arduino D4.

    • IN4 to Arduino D5.

    • ENB to Arduino D10 (PWM pin).

9. Arduino Code Example

Here’s an example code to control two DC motors using the L298N:

// Define motor control pins

#define IN1 2

#define IN2 3

#define ENA 9

#define IN3 4

#define IN4 5

#define ENB 10

void setup() {

// Set all control pins as OUTPUT

pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);

pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);

pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);

// Initialize motors in stopped state

digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);


void loop() {

// Move Motor A forward

digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);

analogWrite(ENA, 128); // Set speed (0-255)

// Move Motor B backward

digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);

analogWrite(ENB, 200); // Set speed (0-255)


// Stop both motors

digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);



10. Advantages

  • Dual Motor Control: Can control two motors independently.

  • High Voltage Range: Supports motors up to 35V.

  • Integrated Heat Sink: Ensures better thermal management for continuous operation.

  • Speed and Direction Control: Provides fine control using PWM and logic inputs.

  • Easy to Use: Simple to interface with microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.

11. Limitations

  • Current Limit: Limited to 2A per channel; higher current motors require additional drivers.

  • Voltage Drop: Significant voltage drop (1.5V-2V) across the driver, reducing motor efficiency.

  • Heat Generation: Requires adequate cooling during high-current operations.

  • Bulky Design: Larger than modern motor drivers like DRV8833 or TB6612FNG.

12. Conclusion

The L298N Motor Driver Module is an excellent choice for controlling DC motors and stepper motors in various robotics and embedded system projects. Its ability to control speed and direction, combined with its ease of use and availability, makes it a popular solution for motor control applications.

DC Gear Motor - Technical Documentation

1. Introduction

A DC Gear Motor is a combination of a DC motor and a gearbox that reduces speed and increases torque output. These motors are widely used in robotics, automation systems, and other applications requiring precise speed and high torque. The integrated gearbox provides the flexibility to select specific speed and torque configurations by altering gear ratios.

2. Key Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: Typically 3V to 24V (depends on the motor model)

  • Rated Current: Varies (e.g., 100 mA to 2A, depending on load)

  • No-load Speed: 10 RPM to 1000 RPM (gearbox-dependent)

  • Stall Torque: High torque values (depends on gear reduction, e.g., 1 kg·cm to 50 kg·cm or higher)

  • Gear Ratio: Commonly 1:10, 1:50, 1:100, or higher

  • Motor Type: Brushed DC motor

  • Shaft Type: D-shaped or round shaft for easy coupling

  • Direction Control: Bidirectional (requires H-Bridge driver for control)

  • Operating Temperature: -10°C to 60°C

3. Components of a DC Gear Motor

  1. DC Motor:

    • Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

    • Provides the rotational movement.

  2. Gearbox:

    • Reduces motor speed and increases torque.

    • Made of plastic or metal gears for durability.

  3. Output Shaft:

    • Transfers mechanical energy to the load.

    • Available in different diameters (e.g., 4mm, 6mm).

4. Working Principle

A DC gear motor operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction:

  • The DC motor creates rotational motion by using the magnetic field generated by the flow of current through its windings.

  • The gearbox modifies this motion by reducing speed and increasing torque, which is transmitted through the output shaft to drive a mechanical load.

The speed (RPM) and torque depend on the input voltage and the gear reduction ratio.

5. Wiring and Connections

  • Red Wire (VCC): Connect to the positive terminal of the power supply.

  • Black Wire (GND): Connect to the ground terminal of the power supply.

  • For bidirectional control, connect the motor terminals to an H-Bridge motor driver (e.g., L298N or TB6612FNG).

6. Applications

  • Robotics: Used for driving wheels, arms, or grippers.

  • Conveyor Belts: Provides controlled motion for material transport.

  • Home Automation: Drives mechanisms like curtains, smart locks, and doors.

  • Industrial Machines: Used in automatic tools, feeders, and machinery requiring high torque.

  • RC Cars and Drones: Provides the drive motion for wheels or rotors.

7. Advantages

  • High Torque: Gear reduction significantly increases torque output.

  • Customizable Speed: Wide range of gear ratios allows for specific speed configurations.

  • Compact Design: Gearbox integration minimizes space requirements.

  • Bidirectional Control: Motor can rotate in both directions, allowing flexibility in movement.

  • Energy Efficient: Gearbox ensures minimal energy loss for high torque applications.

8. Limitations

  • Speed Reduction: High torque comes at the cost of reduced speed.

  • Mechanical Wear: Gears may wear out over time, especially if made of plastic.

  • Noise: Some gear motors can be noisy during operation.

  • Current Draw: High torque applications may require a significant current, demanding suitable drivers.

9. Example Circuit Diagram

Below is an example of how to connect a DC Gear Motor to an L298N Motor Driver and an Arduino for speed and direction control.


  1. Motor Terminals: Connect to the OUT1 and OUT2 terminals of the L298N.

  2. Power Supply: Connect motor supply to the L298N (e.g., 12V).

  3. Logic Control Pins:

    • IN1 and IN2 of L298N to Arduino pins D2 and D3 (for direction control).

    • ENA to Arduino pin D9 (PWM pin for speed control).

10. Arduino Code Example

Here’s a sample code to control a DC Gear Motor using the L298N Motor Driver:

// Define motor control pins

#define IN1 2

#define IN2 3

#define ENA 9

void setup() {

// Set motor control pins as OUTPUT

pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

// Rotate motor forward at full speed

digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);

analogWrite(ENA, 255); // Full speed (0-255)

delay(2000); // Run for 2 seconds

// Rotate motor backward at half speed

digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);

analogWrite(ENA, 128); // Half speed

delay(2000); // Run for 2 seconds

// Stop the motor

digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);

digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);

analogWrite(ENA, 0); // Speed 0

delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds


11. Torque-Speed Relationship

  • Torque: Higher torque is achieved with lower speed (due to gear reduction).

  • Speed: As speed increases, torque decreases proportionally.

  • This relationship makes gear motors ideal for applications requiring high torque at controlled speeds.

12. Precautions

  1. Avoid Overloading: Ensure the motor is not overloaded, as it may cause overheating or damage to the gears.

  2. Current Supply: Provide a suitable power supply capable of handling the motor's current requirements.

  3. Mounting: Secure the motor and gearbox to avoid misalignment or vibration during operation.

  4. Cooling: For high-power motors, consider additional heat dissipation mechanisms.

13. Common Gear Motor Models



No-Load Speed (RPM)


Gear Ratio

12V 10RPM


10 RPM

10 kg·cm


6V 60RPM


60 RPM

5 kg·cm


24V 100RPM


100 RPM

20 kg·cm


12V 300RPM


300 RPM

1 kg·cm


14. Conclusion

DC gear motors are indispensable components for applications that require precise speed control and high torque. Their versatility, combined with the ability to customize performance through gear ratios, makes them ideal for a wide range of robotics and automation projects.

This document format provides comprehensive details about the DC Gear Motor. Let me know if you need further customizations!

Working Principle

The Smart Bluetooth Car operates through a well-coordinated interaction between its components and microcontrollers. The following steps outline the working principle:

  1. Obstacle Detection:

    • The ultrasonic sensor continuously emits sound waves and listens for their reflections. If an object is detected within a predefined distance, the sensor calculates the distance and sends a signal to the first Arduino Nano.

  2. Signal Transmission:

    • The first Arduino processes the sensor’s data and generates a digital signal when an obstacle is detected. This signal is transmitted to the second Arduino Nano via a serial communication link using the TX/RX pins.

  3. Interrupt Handling:

    • The second Arduino is programmed with an interrupt routine on pin 2. When it receives the signal, the interrupt is triggered, causing the car to immediately stop.

  4. Reverse Operation:

    • After stopping, the second Arduino activates the motor driver to reverse the car slightly, ensuring it moves away from the obstacle.

  5. Bluetooth Command Waiting:

    • Once the reverse operation is complete, the car enters a waiting state. During this state, the second Arduino listens for Bluetooth commands from a paired smartphone or controller via the HC-05 module.

  6. User Control:

    • The user sends commands (e.g., forward, backward, left, right) through a Bluetooth-enabled application. The second Arduino interprets these commands and adjusts the motor outputs accordingly to move the car in the desired direction.

This coordinated process ensures that the car operates autonomously when needed and responds promptly to user inputs, combining automation and manual control seamlessly.

Software Components:

  • Arduino IDE

    • The code for both Arduino Nano boards is written in the Arduino IDE.

Code Explanation:

  • Arduino Nano 1:

    • The ultrasonic sensor sends a pulse and measures the reflected signal to determine the distance.

    • If the distance is below a threshold, the Arduino sends a signal to stop and reverse the car.

  • Arduino Nano 2:

    • It listens for Bluetooth signals. Commands such as "F" for forward, "B" for backward, "L" for left, "R" for right, and "S" for stop are processed and executed accordingly.

Wiring Diagram:

  • Arduino Nano 1:

    • Ultrasonic sensor connected to pins D2 (Trigger) and D3 (Echo).

    • L298N motor driver connected to D4, D5, D6, D7 for motor control.

  • Arduino Nano 2:

    • HC-05 Bluetooth module connected to TX (D1) and RX (D0).

    • L298N motor driver connected to D4, D5, D6, D7 for motor control.

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Obstacle Detection Accuracy:

    • The ultrasonic sensor sometimes detects objects at a distance that may not be considered an obstacle. Calibration and filtering techniques were applied to address this.

  • Bluetooth Communication Reliability:

    • Ensuring stable communication between the smartphone and the car was a key challenge. The baud rate was optimized to maintain consistent connectivity.

Future Improvements:

  • Add More Sensors: Adding additional sensors for better obstacle detection, such as IR sensors, for side detection.

  • Advanced Control Algorithm: Implementing more sophisticated movement patterns and car navigation algorithms, like PID for smoother turns.


This project successfully demonstrates how two Arduino Nano boards can be used to create a smart Bluetooth-controlled car with obstacle avoidance. The integration of Bluetooth communication and ultrasonic sensors enables a reliable, wireless car control system that responds to environmental obstacles.

The Smart Bluetooth Car project successfully demonstrates the integration of embedded systems, robotics, and wireless communication to create a versatile and responsive vehicle. By utilizing two Arduino Nano boards, an ultrasonic sensor, and an HC-05 Bluetooth module, the car is capable of detecting obstacles, responding autonomously, and awaiting user commands via Bluetooth. This project not only serves as an excellent learning platform for beginners and enthusiasts in embedded systems but also opens doors to advanced applications in robotics and automation.

Testing and Results

1. Testing Procedure

    The project was thoroughly tested to ensure that all components and subsystems functioned as intended. Below are the steps followed during testing:

  1. Hardware Testing:

    • Verified all hardware connections, including Arduino Nano, HC-05, HC-SR04, L298N, and DC motors.

    • Used a multimeter to ensure proper power supply to all components.

    • Checked the ultrasonic sensor's range and accuracy in detecting objects.

  2. Bluetooth Communication Testing:

    • Paired the HC-05 module with a smartphone.

    • Used a mobile app to send Bluetooth commands and monitored the response of the car.

  3. Motor Driver and DC Motor Testing:

    • Tested the L298N motor driver to ensure proper bidirectional motor control.

    • Verified that the motors rotate correctly based on the input signals.

  4. Obstacle Detection Testing:

    • Placed objects at various distances to check the HC-SR04 sensor's ability to detect obstacles.

    • Confirmed that the car stops, reverses slightly, and waits for further Bluetooth commands when an obstacle is detected.

  5. System Integration Testing:

    • Ensured seamless communication between the two Arduino boards via TX/RX pins.

    • Simulated real-world scenarios to validate the overall functionality of the car.

2. Results

The following results were obtained during testing:

  1. Bluetooth Connectivity:

    • HC-05 successfully paired with a smartphone within a 10-meter range.

    • Commands sent through the mobile app were accurately received by the car.

  2. Obstacle Detection:

    • The HC-SR04 sensor consistently detected objects within a range of 2 cm to 400 cm.

    • The car stopped and reversed as programmed when an obstacle was detected.

  3. Motor Control:

    • DC motors responded accurately to direction and speed commands from the Arduino via the L298N motor driver.

    • Smooth transitions between forward, reverse, and stop states were observed.

  4. System Integration:

    • Communication between Arduino Nano 1 (sensor module) and Arduino Nano 2 (motor control module) was successful.

    • The car's response time was less than 500 ms from obstacle detection to motor action.

  5. Power Consumption:

    • The system operated efficiently within the expected power range, with no overheating issues observed.

3. Observations

  • The car demonstrated excellent performance in detecting and avoiding obstacles.

  • The Bluetooth module maintained stable communication in an interference-free environment.

  • The system was found to be responsive, reliable, and easy to control.

4. Limitations Observed

  • Bluetooth range was reduced in areas with significant signal interference.

  • High-speed motor operation caused slight vibration in the chassis, affecting stability.

  • Prolonged use resulted in mild heating of the motor driver.

5. Conclusion

The testing confirmed that the project successfully meets the design objectives. The smart Bluetooth car performed all tasks, including obstacle detection, stopping, reversing, and waiting for user commands, as expected. Minor limitations can be addressed in future iterations for improved performance.


  1. Robotics:

    • Can be used as a base model for robotic cars, automated delivery bots, or exploration robots.

    • Suitable for obstacle-avoiding or line-following robots.

  2. Home Automation:

    • Used for wireless-controlled appliances, automated garage doors, or security systems.

  3. Education and Learning:

    • Ideal for teaching concepts of embedded systems, motor control, and wireless communication.

    • Hands-on experience for students in robotics and IoT projects.

  4. Prototyping and Research:

    • Serves as a prototype for advanced autonomous vehicles and Bluetooth-controlled systems.

    • Useful in testing motor drivers, sensors, and Bluetooth modules for research purposes.

  5. Remote Surveillance:

    • Can be modified to carry cameras or sensors for remote surveillance in restricted areas.

  6. Industrial Applications:

    • Useful in automated conveyor systems and wireless material handling systems in factories.

  7. Toys and Entertainment:

    • Forms the base for building remote-controlled cars and interactive robotic toys.

  8. Smart Transport Systems:

    • Implementation in wireless-controlled trolleys or carts for moving goods in warehouses.


  1. Datasheets and Manuals:

  2. Books and Publications:

    • Simon Monk, "Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches," McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition.

    • Michael Margolis, "Arduino Cookbook," O'Reilly Media.

  3. Online Resources:

  4. Code References:

    • Sample Arduino Code: Arduino forums and GitHub repositories.

    • PWM and Motor Control:

  5. Project Ideas and Concepts:

  6. Images and Diagrams:

    • Circuit Diagrams and Component Pinouts: Created using software like Fritzing or sourced from official datasheets.


  1. Cost-Effective: The components used in the project, such as Arduino Nano and HC-05, are affordable and easily available.

  2. Scalability: The project can be expanded to include additional sensors or features like obstacle avoidance or speed control.

  3. Ease of Implementation: The modular design allows for easy assembly and debugging.

  4. Wireless Control: Bluetooth-based communication eliminates the need for physical connections, enhancing usability.

  5. Energy Efficient: The use of DC gear motors and efficient motor drivers like L298N ensures optimal power consumption.

  6. Compact Design: Arduino Nano and small components make the design portable and lightweight.

  7. Real-Time Monitoring: The project allows real-time control and response, ensuring smooth operation.



  1. Limited Range: Bluetooth communication has a range of approximately 10 meters, which may not be suitable for long-distance control.

  2. Obstacle Detection Accuracy: The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor might have limitations in detecting small or irregularly shaped objects.

  3. Low Current Capacity: The L298N motor driver has a maximum current capacity of 2A, which might not be sufficient for high-torque motors.

  4. Heat Generation: The motor driver and motors may overheat during prolonged use, requiring additional cooling mechanisms.

  5. Interference: Bluetooth communication may face interference in environments with multiple Bluetooth devices.

  6. Complexity in Coding: Writing custom code without libraries increases development time for beginners.

  7. Power Dependency: The system is heavily reliant on a stable power source; power fluctuations may affect performance.


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